“A company’s 1000 Dollar yearly donation to a charity is a testament to corporate social responsibility…
…In the hands of 1000 ambassadors, each Dollar has the power to create a strong emotional connection on joint values.”
NUI enables you to get to know your consumer. You will know what social causes they are passionate about. And how they are willing to increase their physical and mental wellbeing to support brands and social causes they love. This gives you the unique opportunity to really get to know your customers, to build a joined community with them and to customize your offerings.
You will connect with your consumers and build value-based, sustainable and loyal relationships.
Leverage NUI as your next generation social interaction and loyalty tool.
Many consumers want to do business with companies that share their values and social/cause interests. 84 percent of Millennials donate actively to charitable organizations.
It is all about the emotional connections a brand makes with its customers. The softer, less tangible moments are just as important as giving a reward or discount.
For brands NUI is an opportunity to multiply a brand message aligned to modern values of sustainability and giving back. It is a way to connect corporate social responsibility and commercial success in a high profile target group.
As a SponsorPartner you create a brand profile page and donate to the NUI Foundation.
You can register either for a monthly donation amount or a yearly donation.
For the donation the brand will get a contribution receipt from the NUI Foundation.
Now let the NUI community do their job unlocking donations with sport activities:
Every active minute unlocks 1 Euro Cent from available donation budgets.
Finishing an activity the NUI athlete decides where the donation should go.
A gesture of endorsement for the sport effort that creates a strong emotional bond with the brand.
The brand can use this moment of high involvement to amplify the brand message and to place exclusive offerings to the target group.
A great way to build brand awareness on mutual values, attract new customers and strengthen customer loyalty.
For brands NUI is an opportunity to multiply a brand message aligned to modern values of sustainability and giving back. It is a way to connect corporate social responsibility and commercial success in a high profile target group.
Every donated dollar is used to create an additional micro moment to trigger customer loyalty and purchase.
Extend brand perception with values that connect you deeper with your customers.
Place exclusive offers to a high potential group of consumers. Access to an exclusive target group of thousands of consumers that care.
Corporate giving is good for brand awareness. Let your target group decide where to donate. This creates a strong emotional bond with existing and potential customers.
and thus an attractive element to build brand awareness with financial benefits.
Trigger employee wellbeing with donation matching and create a sense of belonging in a work from anywhere world.